Kelen Wahast

Lawyer registered to the OAB/RS under the no. 54.317. Graduated in Law by the Universidade Católica de Pelotas in 2001. Holds an MBA in Business Management by the Getulio Vargas Foundation – FGV in 2004. Workshop of implementation of Strategic Planning, Budget and Costs by Bennaitter and Broser Consulting in 2005. Post-graduate in Tax Law by the Rede de Ensino Luis Flávio Gomes in 2009. Kelen has an extensive experience in the control, management, and conducting of labor litigation, with emphasis in the segment of construction and the meat cold store sector. Her practice involves a constant concern with the reduction of labor liabilities, as well as the prevention of new demands. In the cold store segment she has performed in the conduction of 600 simultaneous labor complaints.