Lauser Zanetti Nunes Lawyers office was acknowledged in the years of 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018 as one of the most admired law offices in Brazil, as the only office in the southern half of Rio Grande do Sul awarded with the title “Most Admired”, according to research conducted among the legal directors of major Brazilian companies, published in the yearbook Análise
Advocacia 500. It is also important to emphasize that our partner Daniel da Silva Nunes has received individual highlight, being nominated in the editions of 2013 (3rd place), 2015 (2nd place) and 2017 (2nd place) among the most admired lawyers in Brazil. In 2019, our partner Maria Cristina Zanetti Horta stood among the most admired lawyers in the country.
The yearbook Análise Advocacia 500 is the greatest and most relevant publication in the Brazilian law segment, and its research is conducted by hearing thousands of company executives based in 20 Brazilian states and in the Federal District, active in 66 branches of the national economy. The office is really proud in being consolidated in this select group, proving the importance and scope of our office both regionally and nationally.
This is the result of a work that prizes dedication, commitment and quality. These characteristics build customer loyalty and encourage us to specialize even further in the issues regarding the universe of business law.”